All About Car Shows: How To Control Logistics

It’s on! And controlling logistics is the key to managing all of your planning. It is now up to the teams to control their assigned area or task. For example, you are assigned to assist visitors with parking. It is your responsibility to ensure that cars are parked properly in designated areas only. It is critical that teams know clearly what to do because communication and coordination rules the day.
Nuts and Bolts
Controlling logistics start before the first visitor arrives but it does not stop until the last visitor has gone, all equipment is broken down and, the area cleaned to pre-show condition.
Controlling logistics are the nuts and bolts of the car show. It requires everyone to pull together to get it done. It is also critical that team members commit to the duration to fulfill their logistical responsibilities.
Show Time
Finally! Beautiful cars are rolling in with proud owners geared up to show their stuff. Vendors are getting last minute hookup. Teams are on point and excitement is mounting. It’s early yet, but visitors are arriving to get the best parking spaces. Music is bumping and getting everybody in the mood for cruising. The stage is set and the show is ready to rock. Fellow car show enthusiasts, you have done the work and now, “its show time”!

About The Author

Tonza Borden is the developer and administrator of She is a successful home-based communications specialist. Collecting antique automobilia is her hobby. Learning all about vintage automobiles is her passion. Visit or contact her for written permission to reproduce for noncommercial use ©All About Car Shows: How To Pick A Leader, giving credit to the author.