2006 Honda Accord in Milwaukee Acura Dealer, WI video - SOLD
What to Know About Ceramic and Semi-Metallic Brake Pads
You don't have much reason to think about your brake pads until either they start to wear down, start to grab and squeak or, even worse, fail on you. Then you likely want to know more about your brake pads and the options available as you decide what to do to have them replaced.
Really, all you want your brakes to do is work and work in all kinds of weather and temperatures and to work quietly. Noisy brakes are only slightly better than no brakes at all. Also, you don't want your brakes to generate lots of dust to mess up your rims or wheels. All brakes will produce dust as they hit your rotor and stop your car. But the issue of dust is especially important if you've waded into the aftermarket to buy custom rims and wheels and so have money invested. Clean rims mean happy owners.
The materials used to make brake pads have changed over the last few decades. Asbestos pads of course were tied to the health problems that made asbestos an issue in the first place. Semi-metallic brake pads are a current option that is a cheap way to go. Semi-metallic pads are made of strands of steel and, while they do the trick for braking, they also can be noisy and do produce more dust. Also, the metal part of the pad will wear on the rotor faster than other options. Still, semi-metallic pads are frequently selected because of the price.
Ceramic pads have only come on the marketplace since the 1990s but they have advantages that many drivers enjoy. The ceramic models are threaded with copper fibers instead of steel. Ceramic brake pads can work with higher temperatures and don't generate as much dirt and grim. The ceramic materials mean less noise and less wear on the rotor for the long haul. It is also generally accepted that ceramic brake pads last longer than other pads. As a result, ceramic pads in general do cost slightly more than the other options.
It's good to have all this in mind when it comes time to replace your brakes. A little knowledge will give you peace of mind as you make this important decision about your car. Brakes are nothing to fool around with and that's an understatement. You have to have brakes that work. But brakes that aren't as noisy or as messy are nice to have as well.
Summer Car Maintence: Declare Independence from Costly Breakdowns!

I hope all of you are having a great kick off to summer. I know that summer time is busy for people, especially for families; there are all the activities, children out of school, camping, trips to the beach & vacations. With hectic schedules to juggle, it can be a challenge to remember everything, and small to-do items - like getting your car maintained - often get pushed to the bottom of the list.
That is why your vehicle would like to send you a little reminder. All it asks that you you give it a little TLC from time to time.
Oil services at regular intervals will help keep the engine running correctly. Having the engine's coolant checked to be sure it is set for the correct anti boil level will prevent overheating. All fluids should be checked and topped off or changed to make sure your vehicle's vital parts are running smoothly. During hot summer months, air conditioning service and repair can be essential!
Summer vehicle maintenance will make sure you're able to vacation, visit family and travel without incident. (Ok may be not to Hawaii) Not only does auto maintenance save you and your family the inconvenience of roadside breakdowns, but it saves money in the long run by preventing costly damages.
With this all being said, let's not forget Independence Day is coming up this weekend. The team at Cars for Keeps hopes you have a great and safe summer and salutes our armed forces and our country.
Have a happy and safe summer & Independence Day.
Your friendly neighborhood Service Manager,
'96 Jeep Cherokee - Brake Pad & Rotor Change TIME LAPSE (NOT A HOW TO)
Francisco's Auto Repair | 714-375-2661 | Huntington Beach | www.FranciscosAutoRepair.com
A Women’s Point of View: The Latest Trend

by Colette Cooley, Cars for Keeps Office Manager
Have you noticed, as you drive around in your dream car, how many vehicles have advertising on them? I am not talking about the big, commercial trucks. No, I mean your every day, ordinary pickups and passenger vehicles.
With a difficult economy comes creative ideas for new start-up businesses from average Joes and Joesettes. What heroes! Like cream rising to the top. It is the best of American Ingenuity, and we at Cars For Keep, salute you.
Anyway, back to this new trend of putting advertising on your car so the whole world can see who you are and what you do. It runs the gamut from a discreet company name and phone number on the door, on up to a complete “Wrap” of the car from bumper to bumper. It’s almost as good as watching television. I saw one the other day advertising ‘wings to go’ with a picture of a chicken strapped into a carseat with a look of panic on it’s face, wildly flapping it’s wings. There are some larger companies that will give anyone a car to use for free, that is completely wrapped with advertising. All you have to do is pay for the insurance and prove that you have had regular maintenance done.
Aaahhh yes, regular maintenance. It can mean the difference between a well running car with a long life and a car that always has problems and dies before the last payment is made. All companies that deal with cars, from fleet cars for private companies to professional car rental companies know the critical importance of regular maintenance. Cars For Keeps is always ready to help you with regular car maintenance.
How to Repair Motorcycle Brakes : How to Reassemble a Motorcycle Caliper
Nissan Performance Parts Make a Difference
It is not news to anyone that a lot of people are obsessed with their cars. Whether it is a new car or a classic, every car lover wants theirs to be superior to all the others even compared to one exactly the same. This desire to have the best possible has given rise to the popularity of fixing up and modifying vehicles. Car companies have realized the potential of this market and have started to create their own components just for this. Nissan performance parts can be found for virtually every make and model of its cars.
From the Inside
Improving the look of a car is not that uncommon of an activity for many people. Car washes are brimming full of all types of people everyday applying the latest and greatest wax to their paintjobs to make them even more lustrous and durable. Sprays and wipes are applied to the dashboards to keep them supple longer and to discourage cracking. Seat covers are applied to protect interiors and floor mats placed over the carpet to preserve the cleanliness and life.
Lots of money is spent at carwashes and on products to clean your car. People do it because they know that it will not only make your vehicle look better but it will help it stay in a better condition longer. A vehicle in good condition is always more valuable. Recognizing the importance of these improvements and upkeep is easy.
From the Outside
The acknowledgement in the value of taking care of the appearance of your car has developed into the value of taking care and improving they way your car performs as well. Now instead of just going to the auto shop to buy things to maintain the vehicle it is now popular and common to buy things to improve the mechanics of your vehicle.
Vendors, that were popular among the mechanic crowd, once dominated the market for these components. The companies would make products specific for certain makes and models. These products ranged from brakes, exhausts, lift-kits, and even nitrous oxide kits. Really there isn't any part that you can't find to modify what came stock on your vehicle.. You can make it go faster, stop faster, of climb bigger rocks if you want. Any function of your vehicle that you want to improve you can
As these types of performance modifications became more and more popular the car companies started to take note of the opportunity. Now it is possible to find items to replace the stock parts on your vehicle made by the manufacturer of your vehicle. They array of parts is staggering and they are readily available. Nissan performance parts can be found easily either online or via your mechanic. The modifications can really make a difference for daily use and especially if you enjoy amateur racing. It is easy to make your car the best that it can be these days.
Preventive Maintenance Tips to Check and Troubleshoot the Repair of Document Scanner Problems
Maintenance and care of equipment is essential to prevent costly repairs and to save unnecessary service calls. In most cases, malfunctions are resolved by operator checks and corrective action. Your wallet will thank you, when the operator has properly checked to determine why devices are not functioning and avoids calling for service to repair or replace a working device.
Before operating the unit, read the manual that was included in the box or download it from the manufacturer website. Otherwise, you may risk damaging the device or voiding the warranty.
PMCS - Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
Cleaning is the most important step to keep your device working properly. Clean dirty brake rollers, feed rollers, pads, glass, shading plates with a manufacturer cleaning kit or isopropyl alcohol, a lint free cloth, and Q-tips. Also make sure that the paper path is clean and free of debris.
Depending on the condition of documents and environment, the equipment may require a periodic disassembly to fully clean debris, paper clips, staples, dust, etc. that may have worked its way into the insides of the mechanism. The debris can cause a motor to stop running and rollers and belts to jam. Use a shop-vac to vacuum whatever dirt or foreign objects that have worked their way inside the main and side covers. Generally, it is not recommended to blow the scanner out using a compressed can of air. The reason is that the compressed air leaves film on the glass, does not remove the dirt (just blows it around), may break seals and cold air could damage a hot sensor.
CDD (Charge-coupled device) Cameras and CIS (Contact Image Sensor Assembly) Reader
Upon disassembly, the cameras units on devices with CCD cameras should be cleaned. Care should be taken not to damage the cameras as they are usually quite expensive. Canon products are equipped with CIS reader assemblies with a LED light source and the reader assemblies should not be removed or disassembled to avoid damage.
Consumable Replacement
Separator pads and pick rollers should be replaced when worn or according to manufacturer schedule. Shading plates and glass should be inspected and replaced as required. Fluorescent lamps usually require replacement between 500 to 1000 hours of use according to manufacturer guide recommendations. Canon uses a LED light source that usually does not require periodic replacement.
The Scanner System
Systems include not only the scanning devices, but also the computer and operating system as well as the software. There is a tendency to think that problems are mechanical. This is not always the case. In order to resolve the troubles, users may require technical competency. A+ skills and practices should be employed to troubleshoot the system before a service call. The technician is hired to fix the hardware. It is not his job to diagnose computer systems. This is your job or the job your IT department.
Hardware Feed Issues and Poor Scan Quality
Feed issues and poor scan quality are usually corrected through cleaning and replacing worn consumables. Brake and pick rollers should be checked to ensue that they are properly installed. The paper path should also be inspected and any foreign objects removed.
Scanning Software
Common are issues with drivers not found or installed. Re-install the software or make sure that the driver is recognized. Outdated firmware may also cause the equipment to not operate properly. Install the latest firmware. But note installation of incorrect firmware in some cases could permanently damage the main control board. Also, recheck the scan settings to assure that they are set properly.
PC Computer and Operating System
You must assign each SCSI device a separate SCSI ID to avoid an ID conflict. USB and fire wire devices need proper privileges and security rights when connected to a network. The best method to check for problems with the operating system is to swap the computer with another that you know to be working properly.
Troubleshooting and Repair
You can find minor parts that you can fix without too much technical knowledge. For instance check for broken parts and the tension of springs and flat springs. A parts manual can help you identify a problem. Some companies provide diagnostic software. The Canon quma tool provides diagnostic checks of motors, sensors, solenoids and other essential parts.
If you do not have the technical ability, you can buy a service agreement for your scanner. The warranty covers the maintenance and repairs rather than risking a breakdown and costly time and material repairs. Another option is depot repair where you send the equipment to the repair facility which is less costly than on-site services. Some manufacturers only provide a 90 day warranty and the purchase of an extended warranty is recommended.
Subaru Mechanics for Quality Subaru Repairs & Maintenance
During my last visit to Cars for Keeps' shop, Steve was kind enough to give me a tour of some of the shop's most recent projects. During that tour, I asked him which vehicle brand was his favorite to work on, and he answered "Subaru" without hesitation. A big Subaru fan (he proudly showed me his own Subaru, pictured below), Steve understands that Subaru vehicles come equipped with many benefits - benefits which require Subaru expertise to repair and maintain.
As most Subaru owners know, Subarus offer two huge mechanical advantages:
Boxer engines. Boxer engines, unique to Subaru vehicles, are flatter than other engines, allowing them to take up less space and provide a lower center of gravity for improved handling. There's a laundry list of other mechanical benefits of the boxer engine, but the most noteworthy are that Subaru boxer engines are able to achieve a higher power-to-weight ratio and are, in general, easier to maintain.
Symmetrical all-wheel drive. All Subaru vehicles are equipped with built-in all wheel drive, but it's no ordinary AWD. Subaru's symmetrical all-wheel drive works together with Subaru's well-balanced boxer engines to create better stability, better balance and, ultimately, better handling.
These attributes have caused many Subaru owners to become loyalists of the brand. As with any car brand, however, quality maintenance is required for long-term quality performance, and not every mechanic is equipped to work with Subaru's unique design features. Asking an auto mechanic who specializes in Ford repairs to work on a Subaru would, for example, be like asking the Iron Chef to make a tiramisu layered cake. Could he do it? Probably. Would a french pastry chef do a better job? Um...let's hope so. A qualified Subaru mechanic understands how best to maintain Subaru's boxer engine, all-wheel drive and its many other unique features.
Bottom line: if you love your Subaru, hire a mechanic who specializes in Subarus to repair and maintain your vehicle. Here at Cars for Keeps, we just happen to have one on staff.
Safe driving!
Does Your Car Start But Then Stop Immediately?
Figuring out why an engine starts and stops immediately is either going to be a very easy problem to find or it will send you in circles trying to find it. I typically do not see many situations that fall between. With today's electronics it can be a very difficult problem to find without using a computer scan tool. But, I am not saying that you shouldn't try to find out what is wrong.
As I have mentioned it previous articles "you should go back to the basics." You have one of two problems, spark or fuel. It's really easy to figure out which one you are having the issue with. First spray some starter fluid or some brake cleaner into the intake and have someone start the engine. Watch here for details. If the engine fires and can run with the spray and stops when you quit spraying then you have a fuel issue. If you remove a spark plug and test the spark and there is none then you have a spark issue. Watch here for details on testing spark.
Most of the time when a car has a problem with starting, running, and immediately cutting off, then the issue is not normally spark. If you are having a fuel issue then consider changing your fuel filter. But first, look at how many miles you have and how long since you filter has been changed. Fuel is filtered much better than it used to be, so mileage recommendations may very from mechanic to mechanic, but your fuel filter should be changed every at least every 60,000 miles. I am not saying run out and put a fuel filter in your car and it will be fixed though.
You need to test and back probe the fuel issue, such as testing for fuel pressure. There are very simple tests that can be done by someone who has almost no mechanical knowledge to rectify the fuel issue. When I say "simple" I mean simple. You can diagnose things easier than you know. All you need is good information and a willingness to fix your own car. You'll be surprised at how much better you feel about driving your car when you are not scared of it breaking down.
Synthetic Oil Changes Vs Conventional Oil
Most individuals don't change their oil until far past the recommended date, a lot of us can't manage to find the time in the day to get an oil change. At that point when we finally take the time to get an oil change we head to the local shop and get the cheapest oil change available. Now it's time to consider that more expensive offer that they've been telling you about, synthetic oil change. By utilizing synthetic oil you are helping the quality of your motor, which helps you not focus on expensive repairs in the near future. Choosing a synthetic oil blend is the smartest thing you could do, it's a great way to assure that your engine will stay up and running.
Not all cars allow for synthetic oil use, most do, if your car qualifies for then you should change to synthetic on your next oil change. Most brand new car manufacturers have moved over to requiring synthetic, and most newer makes and models specifically require using synthetic oil as it has been precision engineered and consists of uniformed molecules.
Before we get into that, let's understand what oil does for your engine. Conventional motor oil works because it helps reduce buildup within the motor itself which overall will reduce friction that can lead to wear and tear on internal parts. Natural conventional motor oil is created from a distillation process of crude motor oil. Synthetic oil on the other hand rearranges the molecules to a new product that conforms to perfect specifications in shape and size while adding additional additives that help fight off sludge and other motor build up. This is why synthetic can last a much longer time without needing to be changed. Most engine friction occurs when the motor is just warming up or while under high load. Synthetic oil assures you that your engine will be working and staying in good shape regardless of your driving habits, whether its cool driving or fast back road driving. With synthetic oil you get the added benefit of having to change oil less and less then in comparison to conventional oil, due to the chemical structure of synthetic. It also protects your engines for a longer time frame, which will help you save money in not only oil changes but in motor changes as well.
The main advantage to using a synthetic blend lubricant is that the actual flow of oil through you engines motor is far more efficient. In most driving conditions, synthetic motor oils are by far the best solutions. Synthetic motor oils primarily excel in just about any driving condition but most importantly they excel in conditions that allow for fast driving. The oil will naturally circulate more efficiently with a synthetic blend as well as more efficiently then your typical non-synthetic blend. To reiterate another time, the actual interval between each and every oil change is greatly reduced.Because synthetic motor oil is specifically manufactured,the issues that usually occur from normal motor use occurs far less often. A usual oil change is required every 3,000 - 5,000 miles where as a a synthetic oil change only requires one every ten thousand miles.
What are the main problems with synthetic changes? Price. Synthetic oils are generally twice as expensive as conventional oils where as they also last twice as long if not longer. Although the pricing is easily justified as you get twice as long without needing to change your oil. Think about going synthetic the next time you get an oil change. You'll want to talk to your oil lube expert and talk about whether or not synthetic is the best option for you. I'm sure you will enjoy their answers.
Disc Brakes Rubbing!
So, when I bought my first bike with disc brakes they started rubbing after the first ride. It was driving me insane so I took it to a bike shop and asked them if it was a problem. They said "ah no, no problem. It will go away after a while." So this didn't make me too happy so I looked into it and found out how to fix the problem.
Disc brakes can be sensitive and the caliper can move around when you hit some bumps on the trail. Fortunately its not hard to fix. Most calipers are attached to the fork with two bolts, and the bolt holes on the caliper are bigger than the diameter of the bolt. Allowing you to loosen the bolts and move the caliper a little ways side to side. If your caliper does not have an adjustment bolt on the side of it, this is the way you have to adjust them.
Fortunately, most disc brakes have bolts on the caliper that allow you to move the brake pads in or out. The caliper will be marked close to the bolt telling you which way to rotate it to move the brake pad in either direction. You can also use this adjustment to make the brake feel tighter or looser, but be careful, once your brake pad wears down far enough, if you adjust the pad too far inwards you could rub your rotor on the steel of the caliper. That is just about the only problem you can run into with that.
A Woman's Point of View: The Odd Things

Some occurrences that help us cope with life with humor and catch our interest momentarily are the odd little things that happen around us. The unexpected that pops up when we least expect it, fills us with wonder, and puts the whole day into perspective.
Take the simple act of opening the hood of a car and finding a pair of sunglasses riding securely on the engine. Can’t you just picture the owner turning his house and car inside-out looking for those sunglasses? Or, the car owner that brought his car in because “something is just not quite right”. As it turned out, our mechanic found a whole mop head in the filter that, somehow, the car sucked up. Speculation was running rampant as to where you could possibly run over a mop head, and how could it get sucked into the car like that?
Then there are the times that a customer stops by to drop off the best banana bread you have ever eaten in your life. Some things happen that just make you feel good to be in a position where you can help complete strangers, like the vacationing couple from Wisconsin whose car broke down and they were stranded, knowing no one and having no place to stay. We were able to direct them to a good B & B where they were welcomed with open arms while our mechanics repaired their car and they were happily and gratefully on their way the next day to finish their long deserved vacation. Cars for Keeps is a business with plenty of knowledge and skill, but most importantly, with heart.
How to replace Brake Pads and Calipers
Top 5 Most Costly Fixes on Your Car
There is a reason for the saying owning your own automobile is an investment. As much as cars offer convenience, it also puts stress upon its drivers with costly auto repair bills. If constant maintenance and repairs are not given to your vehicle, the possibility of your car needing any one of these five costly repairs is a definite possibility.
Transmission Repair
A transmission is the single most important mechanical device in your car. It is what makes a car run. It is also the most expensive part to fix in your car's engine. Most transmissions on late car models last until the vehicle dies, a little over 80,000 miles. Typically, replacing a transmission can cost anyone from $1800 to $3500, varying from the maker, model and labor costs.
The suspensions are what keep the car on the ground, consisting of springs, shock absorbers, struts, and linkages with ball joints connecting to the wheels. It is what keeps the vehicle's ride smooth for the car's occupants. The average cost for replacing suspension system is about $1000 to $2000.
A car's radiator is what keeps the engine from overheating, a key part of a car's cooling system. If there is a leak in the radiator's core, you will need to replace it. Depending on the type of the coolant used, the age of the car, model of the vehicle, the costs can run up from $390 to $516 for passenger cars, $483 to $854 for SUV's.
Muffler/Exhaust Repair
Vehicles making loud noise are probably having exhaust problem, probably with it's muffler. Mufflers that are damage can lead to increased air pollution, signaling the search engine light to check the engine's exhaust system. Mufflers have many price tags. For passenger cars, after-market parts are $110 to $218, $255 to $380 for original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Prices can vary with different car makes and model.
Brakes Repair
Brakes are what keep a driver safe in their vehicle. Without the brakes, there is no possible way for a driver to stop their vehicle. Brakes making any abnormal noises, slowly dropping to the floor after it is engaged, pulls to one side, brakes need to be replaced. Typically the cost runs from $90 to $250 per axle.
Summer Auto Maintenance Makes for Safe Grand Haven Vacations
by Marjorie, Cars for Keeps Social Media Manager
Vacation season is officially here! With the countless vacation spots and activities available in the Grand Haven area, vacationers and Grand Haven locals alike will be hitting the beach, hauling the boat out to the bay for some long-awaited fishing and enjoying the countless rental cottages along the lakeshore.
The Grand Haven Area Convention & Visitors Bureau is a great resource for both Grand Haven locals and passersby to discover the wealth of attractions and events available during the summer.
Summer vacations mean travel, and travel means relying on your vehicle to get you from point A to point B. Whether you're traveling hundreds of miles or are just piddling around town, making sure your vehicle is in good working order is important to the longevity - and reliability - of the vehicle. Routine summer maintenance doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg; routine maintenance is the least expensive type of maintenance.
We've compiled a list of summer maintenance tasks that will help your vehicle run smoothly and safely well into next winter.
Summer Maintenance Checklist
Radiator Flush. As the coolant fluid within the radiator is used over time, it eventually begins to break down, leading to corrosion. Flushing and changing the radiator coolant fluid can save big time and money down the road.
Air Filter Replacement. Also a way to boost the energy efficiency of your vehicle, having air filters replaced twice each year ensures the engine is getting plenty of clean air. Ask us about our specialty reusable K&N Air Filters for even better performance in specialty vehicles.
Check Tires. Still haven't changed those winter tires? Driving on last summer's bald tires? Michigan rainshowers come heavily and often unexpected, and the last thing travelers need is to get caught on the freeway in a downpour with bald tires. Let a mechanic inspect the tread depth of your car's tires to make sure they're still safe for another summer.
Windshield Wiper Replacement. Again, Michigan rainstorms come unexpectedly, and faulty windshield wipers can cause a dangerous lack of visibility. Shell out the $20-30 bucks for a new set of wipers, and you'll be glad you did.
Brakes Inspection. Unless you pay close attention to the materials used to fix your car, your brake pads could be dangerously close to being worn down, even if they're relatively new. We can talk with you about using longer-lasting, quality brake pads, or at the least let you know if the ones you're using are still safe.
Battery Check. Wintertime freezing, snow and salt create prime conditions for corrosion, particularly on your vehicle's battery cables. A quick check of connection and battery level will save a big headache later on. Don't forget about this month's free battery check at Cars for Keeps.
Safe driving, and happy vacationing!
Aircraft Brake Maintenance and Repair
The first objective is to maintain the clearance between the moving and stationary parts of a brake in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Disassemble and inspect the brake periodically and examine the parts for wear, cracks, warpage, corrosion, elongated holes, etc. If any of these or other faults are indicated, repair, recondition, or replace the affected parts in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Surface cracks on the friction surfaces of the brake drums occur frequently due to high surface temperatures. These surface cracks may be disregarded as seriously affecting the airworthiness until they become cracks of approximately 1 inch in length.
Hydraulic aircraft brakes
For proper hydraulic aircraft brake maintenance, periodically inspect the entire hydraulic system from the reservoir to the brakes. Maintain the fluid at the recommended level with proper brake fluid. When air is present in the brake system, bleed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Replace flexible hydraulic hose which has deteriorated due to long periods of service and replace hydraulic piston seals when there is evidence of leakage. Service anti-skid units according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Mechanical aircraft brake maintenance.
Keep the working parts of mechanically operated brakes free from dirt and foreign matter so the brakes can work freely at all times. Slack in the linkage system must be kept to a minimum.
Hazards of aircraft brake maintenance and repair
Asbestos containing materials are a component of the brake systems in some light aircraft. It has been suggested there might be a danger of asbestos resulting from the installation and maintenance of these components, particularly if the brake changing process takes place in a closed, unventilated aircraft hanger. However, tests have shown that operations performed according to the manufacturer's recommended procedure, normal brake changing work practices on aircraft with asbestos containing brake pads, do not produce a harmful level of asbestos exposure for aircraft mechanics.
Brake Bleeders and Engine Repair Tools
All those who use a vehicle are well aware how important it is to change the oil and fluids in the car at regular intervals. It is not so difficult to change the oil and lubrication of the entire vehicle but the problematic areas are the brakes usually. You have to take lot of precautions and then carefully perform everything. It is not only the question of disassembling or reassembling them but you have to regulate the brake fluid as well as keep air out of the brake lines. There is this vacuum necessary when you perform the work because if the air seeps out into the system, the brake might become sluggish and there is probability that it might fail also.
The brake bleeders simplify this process of changing the brake fluid and save you from getting into any other problem. These brake bleeders are not only easy to use but also are pretty inexpensive and you will get these without any difficulty. Even if you do not know much about mechanics, you can manage with the help of this kit. There is no need of any experience or mechanical expertise to use Brake Bleeders. Although the price is very reasonable, it is worth paying for it than taking the risk of doing the work on your own. It is always better to take precautions when it comes to the brakes of any vehicle.
If you are a new mechanic with little or no experience, you will require a lot of Engine Repair Tools. You would prefer and try to save some money on buying these tools and at the same time you would prefer to buy good quality and durable tools as well. If you are looking for both these things, try and follow precautionary guidelines and look for lifetime warranty before you buy.
ZZR600 NISSIN brake caliper upgrade
A Women’s Point of View: Need vs. Want = Having

I was talking with a customer the other day about blogs and I asked her to give me any three words and I would create a blog around them. She gave me ‘need’, ‘want’, and ‘having’. So, watch out, here it comes!
Every person who comes into our car repair facility has a need. Our business is to supply car repair and maintenance needs and we are very good at it. Simple. Right? Let’s go on to what people want.
Sometimes, this is more difficult, and sometimes it is impossible. The impossible only takes a little longer. When the impossible comes through our door, we immediately go into “this-is-a-challenge mode”. It keeps our job from becoming boring and mundane. Diagnoses are made and discussed. Faxes of questions and schematics start flying back and forth. Telephone calls go out to old-timers and young automotive geniuses. Creative heads huddle together. Plans are made. Assignments are carried out. The “can do” attitude is at its peak. High energy and excitement are bouncing off the walls.
Everything comes together and someone rings the cowbell. There are high fives and belly bouncing. Words like “Yes!” and “Sweet!” and “It Works!” are heard. And everyone is smiling. And for the customer this equals Having. Aaaahhh! Just another normal day at Cars For Keeps.
The principles in this blog can be applied to any need vs. want = having situation in life, and are not the exclusive property of Cars For Keeps. They are free to use for everyone.
Save driving!
Basic Car Care & Maintenance : How to Test Car Lights
Catalytic Converter Hazards!
Government auto emissions control legislation mandates that virtually all cars built or sold in the U.S. come equipped with a catalytic converter. A smart device, catalytic converters help to convert dangerous and polluting exhaust gases into less harmful carbon dioxide and water. As helpful of a device that it is, there are some hazards that come with the use of a catalytic converter. Read on to learn what you need to know about your vehicle's catalytic converter.
Many consider a catalytic converter to be a godsend. With pollution levels ever climbing, the U.S. government acted to reduce harmful pollutants in a step to clean up the environment. The Environmental Protection Agency was formed by the Nixon Administration and the agency was instrumental in passing the Clean Air Act to help America control pollution. Since 1975 virtually every passenger vehicle has come equipped with a catalytic converter.
As helpful as catalytic converters can be, they can be problematic. Besides failure, which generally goes unnoticed until your vehicle flunks its next inspection, it is the intense heat of the unit that can cause problems.
If you work on your own vehicle, you need to let your car cool down completely before working near the exhaust system. Catalytic converters get very hot, as hot as 1800 degrees, and any burn sustained from touching a hot converter can be very dangerous, even deadly.
Motorists have also learned that a catalytic converter can be a fire hazard. For the past three decades police and fire department reports have indicated that many car fires have been started because a motorist parked their car over dry leaves. Even when the engine is off the hot converter can drop a spark which can ignite leaves underneath. If that happens, your car can be engulfed in mere minutes and destroyed by the conflagration.
There are also hazards that occur to the catalytic converter itself. Because the unit burns at such hot temperatures, catalytic converters can suffer rapid thermal deactivation. Some experts suggest switching to synthetic engine oil to help reduce phosphorous contaminants a known contributor to failure.
No, you cannot legally remove your catalytic converter as you may become subject to stiff fines and penalties. Yes, if your car was built before 1975, none of these concerns matter to ou so enjoy your classic and let her rip without pollution controls holding you back!
Why Auto Repair Shops Need to be Friendlier to Women
According to various consumer surveys done over the past decade, women have gained more purchasing power in some very surprising industries, including - you guessed it - the auto industry.
Surveys have shown that between 65-74% of auto repair shop customers are women! Some studies have shown that woman make up as high as 80% of an average auto repair shop's customer base. While women are taking a much more active role in managing their household vehicle's repair and maintenance needs, many auto repair shops have ignored this trend, providing sub-par customer service and amenities to their female customers. According to a recent article by WomenCorp, 9 out of 10 women surveyed felt they are treated differently by their mechanics and auto technicians because they were female; for the most part, they felt they were being ripped off, scammed, spoken down to and overcharged.
With women taking the reins of their or their families' vehicle repair and maintenance, it seems like a no-brainer that auto repair shops would realize this and begin to cater to their female clientele more. While many auto repair shops across the county are still dragging their feet by offering dirty, bathroom-less waiting areas and inadequate, rude customer service, other repair shops - like Cars for Keeps - are stepping up to the plate.
Of course, women tend to have different priorities than men, and getting auto repair service is no exception. Men will often explain their auto repair needs by describing their diagnosis of the problem, while women tend to describe the symptoms their vehicle is exhibiting. A mechanic or technician needs to be able to address both types of inquiries in a clear, informative manner.
A few of the items which are most important to women when it comes to auto repair service include:
- A clean, welcoming waiting room. Preferably including a child's play area, large screen TV and internet access.
- Clean, baby-friendly restrooms. Simple amenities like baby changing tables, air fresheners and toilets cleaned weekly may not mean much to men, but it makes a world of difference to women.
- Clear, detailed estimates and diagnoses. Women feel better about their car service when they understand what problems their vehicle is having and and how it will be fixed. This also helps to prevent any surprises when she receives the bill.
- Complimentary shuttle service. Auto repair shops that offer free shuttle service for customers whose vehicles will be out of commission demonstrate that they understand their customers are busy, too. Women - especially those with young children in tow - deeply appreciate the convenience of a shop going out of its way to provide this extra service.
Are there any other features women feel are important for auto repair shops to offer? What negative experiences have you or a female you know had with auto repair shops in the past? Drop us a comment here or on our Facebook page and let us know. We'd also love to hear any ideas for how we can improve our facility and service to make it more female-friendly.
Why You Should Consider Using Different Rims on Mountain Bikes
If you are new to mountain biking then you may not realize that the type of rims that you have on your bike can actually alter your riding experience. They can either help you or harm you and so it is important to know the difference between the different rims available. If you are using the bike for cross-country, jumping and free-riding then heavy rims will likely be needed. However, if you are just planning on doing trail riding then you should stick to a rim which is lighter as this will allow better and smoother movement of the bike.
The Difference between Rims
You should find that the rims on your mountain bike are the same at the front and the back of the bike. This is mainly to help with stability as if you have a heavy rim at the back and a lighter one at the front it could really cause problems with balance. This is especially problematic if you are using the bike to perform tricks and to take part in jumps. So you will need to ensure that the rims that you use are suitable for the type of activity you will be taking part in.
If you are planning on using the mountain bike for jumping and performing tricks, you may want to ensure that you have different types of tires. These can be readily mounted onto adequate rims, ready to be used whenever you need them. Having different rims and tires for different mountain bike activities is definitely advised and it will reduce the risk of any accidents from occurring.
If you frequently jump with your bike and take part in downhill riding, your bike will go through a lot of pressure. If you want to remain safe then it is vital that you ensure that the rims are up to the pressure they are put through. If the rim is not string enough then it will bend and the bike will become impossible to ride. Also, a broken rim can cause further problems for the bike with the brake pads and the chain all likely to become damaged.
Another important factor to take into consideration is the spokes on the rims. You need to ensure that they have the proper tension and you can tell this by simply listening to them. Gently hit them with a wrench and listen to see whether there is a dull thud. If there is then you will need to tighten up the spokes. If you take care of the spokes then they will take care of the rims.
Overall it is important to take into account the activities you will be taking part in on your bike. If you are planning on jumping and taking part in more extreme mountain bike riding then you will need to purchase heavy duty rims if you want to reduce the risk of injuring yourself and damaging your bike.
KYB Shocks, Tokico Shocks
KYB shocks are available in the GR-2, Excel-G, Gas-a-Just, MonoMax, AGX, Strut-Plus and Self-Leveling or electronic shocks. Choosing your KYB shocks can be hard unless you know what you are looking for. KYB suggests that if you want to keep the original handling and control of your vehicle you should buy the KYB shocks known as the GR-2. If you want to increase your vehicle's handling or control, KYB shocks recommends using the Gas-a-Just shocks. The KYB shocks known as the GR-2 come in shocks and struts and are known to help restore factory designed performance. They are made to compensate for worn or old suspension, and can be used on most imports and domestics including SUVs and minivans. The KYB shocks model Gas-a-Just are made to increase the original performance and also offer stability. These are also a replacement for the monotube shock and are an upgrade from the twin tube, as well as being able to adjust to driving conditions. The MonoMax KYB shocks are known to give the most control for large trucks or any type of SUV. These also are great to use for those that tow or haul often and are great for bad road conditions such as potholes and such. The AGX KYB shocks are used for a fast damping rate change so you are able to fine tune your performance. These are also good for sport cars, certain domestics and imports as well as offering an adjustment knob for adjustments on the applications.
Tokico shocks are available in 5 lines: the HP series, Illumina series, D-spec series, RAK series and Trekmaster series. The Tokico shocks in the HP series are known as the blue shocks, and are the most popular choice for aftermarket shocks. Tokico shocks in the HP series are used for damping and offer flexibility as well as helping with tire adhesion and overall handling. The D-spec series of Tokico shocks are a multi-use shock that uses a piston and valve design. These are damping specific shocks that offer adjustments changing the rebound as well as the compression. When set between a soft and hard setting, these Tokico shocks are adjustable and offer the most in flexibility of rides. The Illumina Tokico shocks give 5 different positions, and were made for tuning street suspensions. With these Tokico shocks, you are able to change the set up for all types of driving environments you will encounter. The RAK series helps with proper lowering of your vehicle, and are all lowering suspension kits. It is recommended that you not exceed dropping more than 2 inches due to the fact that many problems can arise from this such as poor braking, tire wear, harsh ride and stress cracks in the vehicle chassis or body frame. The Trekmaster series are known for stability and ride for on or off road driving with great traction. You get less body roll, better steering and cornering as well as improved braking and ride overall. With so many to choose from, it is a wonder anyone can choose only one.
How to Replace Front Brake Pads : Lowering Car When Replacing Pads
Some important basic maintenance that you need to know
However, anyone who tries to own a car must be aware that there are several responsibilities that must be taken care about which is performing the basic maintenance either daily, weekly, or depending on your free schedule. In my case, I really do not have a fix schedule where I have to conduct the procedure whenever I have given the extra time.
They say that you should try to care about your vehicle and treat them well like your wife or girl friend. Perhaps treat it as your second wife but you don’t have to tell everyone about it or you might get into trouble with your own real wife. Moreover, proper maintenance is the key to the health of your cars to let them last for a long period of use. I will now going to provide you some of the most common easy to follow basic maintenance that you need to perform before trying to use your vehicle.
Checking the Engine Oil meter
This is the very first step that you should need to perform before doing anything else around. It is even the most important checking operation when you are planning to travel into a long distance place. The purpose of checking the level of your engine oil is to protect the various parts of your mechanical engine from wear and tear condition. Failing to check the oil level could cause severe damages on your car’s engine.
Always use Coolant on your radiator
The radiator is the one responsible from preventing your engine from overheating where you have to check if it’s either working perfectly or not. Some owners simply use ordinary water on their radiator but it is more advisable to use coolant because it helps protect your engine. Not using coolant could result into clogging of your radiator causing your engine from overheating.
Check your tires
Take a look around your car trying to check every tire whether they are flat or worn out. If you happen to have such tire condition then you need to have a change. You should also make sure that you always have with you a spare tire in case of having a flat-tire accident along your way.
Electrical lighting systems are function
It’s always nice to have some basic knowledge about electricity or you may simply ask some expert for assistance. Anyway, all you just have to do is to make sure that all signal lights are perfectly working to avoid accidents.
All gauges must be working
After performing all the operation stated above, you may now start your car to check all meter gauges that should indicate the normal level.
The Battery, Brake and Emergency brake
Not having enough power of your battery will not start your engine. You either need to take your battery to be recharged or replace at the Auto Shop. Checking you brake is also another important factor to avoid accident. I’m sure that you’ve seen a lot of cases like these especially on movies.
The final option
When you had perform most of the procedure stated above and you encountered a problem that you can’t fix then the only possible solution is to bring your car into the repair shop.
That’s all and I hope that you have learn something, good luck!
The purpose of creating this blog
I simply created this blog for the purpose of sharing the knowledge that I have acquired about Automotive. Any individual who has some troubles on how to fix their car can search this site for an answer but if you cannot find the answer you may contact me on my email account and I will gladly answer them at the best of my knowledge and experience.
What’s the valuable information that I am going to share on this blog?
You will learn everything about autos such as cars, motor cycles, trucks and anything else that covers the world of automotive. However, I will focus more about the maintenance since it’s the most important part about having a car of your own. Remember that by learning proper maintenance it cuts your cost on repairs and services.
Is it really easy to repair or troubleshoot my car’s technical problem?
It depends on the technical problem of your car and you may find it easy when you already have the knowledge as a mechanic. If it’s your first experience to repair your car by applying the information that I am sharing on this blog then I am sure that you may find some difficulty but that is just the part of trying to learn anyway.
Do you provide some driving tips?
As I stated above, this blog covers everything about the world of Automotive and that means I will also provide valuable information relating about driving, traffic regulations, sign posts and etc… If you are about to take your driving written exam then I guess you may often visit this blogger site for your review because I will provide some possible questions that might come out on the test questions.
Do you have some problem trying to understand a full text of instructions?
If yes then this is the reason why I often use images for illustrations on every topic that I will discuss. It’s because a single picture can tell a thousand words as compared to a thousand written words. However, if you still do have some problem trying to understand the instruction then you may always contact me on my email.
Thank you for reading and you are always free to visit.
What You Know You'll Like and Want About Ceramics
Almost everyone knows about ceramics, whether it's a ceramic tea strainer, a floor tile, kitchen wares, or even ceramic dog bowls, this material is present in almost every home. However, they are not restricted to tools inside the house alone, ceramics can also be found outdoors such as a ceramic garden stool, ceramic pixies and fairies, and ceramic house numbers that tells your address in a very beautiful and elegant manner. But have you ever wondered why ceramics are so popular? Why they seem to be no different than regular kinds of glass, but a lot of people prefer them as compared to plastics and even metals? This is because ceramics are very tough materials, although they may appear fragile like glass, they are very difficult to break. You would know this if you have tried activities like drilling creaming tile or removing ceramic tile. They can also withstand a wide range of temperatures, especially hot ones that can range up to 1,600 degrees centigrade. Normal glass and plastic cannot do this for you. That is why it safe to say that most ceramic items, if not all are microwaveable and dishwasher friendly.
The great thing about ceramics however, is that even though they have been around for a very long time, even centuries, recent uses for this material are emerging. As you may know ceramics were originally crafted for potteries. But with the discovery of piezoelectric effect, which states that crystal like materials such as ceramics can actually produce voltages of electricity when a mechanical pressure is applied to them, this material is now being used for sound producing items like microphones and speakers. A Piezo ceramic element is responsible for creating resonance on these items. Ceramics can now also be found in your car and your son's skateboard. Ceramic brake pads are quickly replacing traditional pads made of asbestos or metal, and are more efficient when it comes to noise reduction and increasing the lifespan of your tires. Wheels on skateboards, roller blades, and other items are now installed with ceramic ball bearings. These bearings are tougher than their steel counterparts and operate with a lot less friction helping the wheels reach greater speeds.
A Women’s Point of View: The Savvy Bargain Hunter

Sometimes, previously owned items are a better buy with better value. For example: that soft, leather handbag with the designer label and an original price tag that could put your child through college versus the house you drool over every time you drive past it which finally has a ‘For Sale’ sign in the front yard. You know the signs: your eyes get big, your heart rate triples and you’re breathing in happy little gasps.
The same thing happens when you go to buy a used car. Let’s face it ladies, we fall in love with a car first before we consider the practical side of the purchase. We are emotional creatures, which occasionally leads us into buying something we regret later. Mine was a used Cadillac that turned into a money pit.
At Cars For Keeps, we can help you keep yourself from making unwise purchases with objective, level-headed mechanical expertise. For $99 you can bring in the car you are considering buying to have a complete bumper to bumper inspection done. It is a small price to pay to know exactly what you are getting into when buying that car.
One customer brought in three cars for inspection. The first car turned out to be such as mess it was a mystery why it was even running. The second car needed a new transmission, which would cost more that the car was worth. After looking at the third car, which the customer actually liked the best, we were happy to announce, “You have a winner”! It cost him $300 but it saved him several thousand dollars in the long run. As a woman, I would call that being emotionally savvy.
Safe - and savvy - driving!
How to Install an Oil Pressure Gauge
Basically, an oil gauge is used to indicate oil pressure levels. It is commonly installed on the dashboard of a vehicle in order to help the driver to properly monitor the oil pressure levels. When the warning light on the gauge lights up, it is an indication that the oil pressure level in the engine is very low; hence it must be replenished immediately to avoid engine damage. That being said, the installation of an oil pressure gauge is highly important.
In normal conditions the needle on your oil pressure gauge will remain in the same position and you will become used to it being there. You need to be aware when the needle begins to move downwards as this will normally happen long before the warning light comes on and gives you more time to prevent damage to your engine. If your car is more than a few years old, the gauge is indicating that your oil needs changing or that the usual wear and tear of age is beginning to happen. There may be a great deal of life left in your vehicle, but you will need to carefully watch your oil level from today. If the needle dips wildly downwards and then back up to a normal level, there may already be damage or a drastically low oil level. It can prove to be very expensive to ignore the warning signs.
Installing an oil gauge so that you can keep an eye on your oil pressure is not the simplest task and is probably best carried out by a professional, but if you want to do it yourself here is some information that may help.
Whether you will be installing an electric or mechanical oil pressure gauge, it would be ideal that you know how to properly integrate it into your vehicle system. To help you accomplish that, here is a detailed installation guide that you can follow:
Step one: It is critical that you know where to properly place the gauge. You should know that the port where the gauge must be placed is normally situated six inches behind the vehicle's oil filter. In order to easily find the port, you may have to remove the side front wheel on the passenger's side. Once it has been removed, you will see a silver-colored filter (located behind the factory oil pressure switch) that has two wires attached to the electrical connector.
Step two: After locating the port, you have to first drain the oil before removing the electric connector present on the pressure switch.
Step three: Once done, you may now disconnect the switch. The rest of the procedure will depend on the type of gauge that you need to install. Normally, pressure gauges include an installation manual, which you have to carefully read and understand, in order to ensure proper installation.
Step four: When the oil gauge has already been installed, make a test run to know if it is already functional. If you are unsure that you did the right thing, it is best that you find a professional mechanic to do the installation for you.
Legend learns how to put brake pads on the truck
Auto Air Conditioning Repair Basics: Common Symptoms & Problems
A broken air conditioner in your automobile gets put at the bottom of the "to-do" list all winter long. As we move into another warm, humid Michigan summer, however, suddenly having a car air conditioner that works - and works WELL - is of the utmost importance. Who wants to arrive at a meeting, the mall, or a friend's house sweating and flushed by stale, hot car air?
Having an auto air conditioner that "kind of" works may get YOU by, but faulty air conditioners can cause bigger damage to your car down the road if left unattended. An air conditioner running low on coolant, on dirty coolant on faulty electrical wiring can end up ruining the entire air conditioning compressor. Car air conditioners are connected to the rest of the vehicle's electrical system, meaning a surge or problem with the air conditioner can cause problems with the rest of the car, causing poor idling, fuel inefficiencies or drained batteries.
Generallly, auto air conditioners are fast, easy and inexpensive to fix. Most car air conditioning problems are coolant-related, and may often be as simple as getting a coolant flush, refill or fixed leak.
With that said, your car's air conditioners is not one of those devices most technicians recommend fixing at home, unless you're a qualified mechanic. Most do-it-yourself instructions for fixing broken auto air conditioners contain scary phrases, like "it is illegal to release freon gas into the atmoshere" and "be sure to wear proper hand and eye protection". Plus, there are many different things that could be wrong with the car's air conditioning system.
Here are a few of the problems most commonly found in auto air conditioners:
1) Coolant and/or Refrigerant Leaks. This generally applies to older, less computerized vehicles. Refrigerant can run out on its own over the course of time, or leaks may have developed in the car's AC compressor or one of its hoses. If your vehicle has never had a coolant flush or refill and it's pushing 150,000 miles or more, it's probably time.
2) Noisy AC Compressor. Noises that occur when your car's AC is turned on can come from minor engine noises or hoses, but they could also be symptoms of problems with the compressor. If the problem is the AC compressor, it will likely have to be replaced.
3) Fluctuating Temperatures. When a car's AC blows out air with sporadic temperatures, it's often likely that moisture is building up in one of the hoses or assemblies, causing ice to accumulate and clog. Removing ice from a car's air conditioning assembly is a short and easy procedure.
4) Faulty Car Electrical System. A weak car battery can cause your auto air conditioner to function weakly or not at all. Car batteries need to have enough voltage to trigger the AC compressor, and while it may be strong enough to run the rest of your car, it may still be too weak to run your car's air conditioning.
5) Bacteria Buildup. Funky smells emanating from your car's air conditioning vents are likely caused by a bacteria buildup in the evaporator. Good auto mechanics (like Cars for Keeps!) will have the proper tools to flush the evaporator out quickly and without much cost.
So what are some basic ways to tell if any of these are a problem for your car's air conditioning unit? Here's a basic checklist of symptoms which indicate something is wrong with your auto AC:
- If the AC system doesn't produce cold air (duh)
- If the fan or blower doesn't work
- If the fan, blower or AC is noisy when turned on
- If one of the dashboard controls malfunctions
- If the vent, car heater or defroster are having problems working correctly
- If the air conditioning smells funky
- If the car has a tendency to overhead
- If the air filter or dryer have never been replaced, or if the AC has never been serviced before
If one of these symptoms applies to your car's air conditioning system, it's probably time to have it inspected by a mechanic. Caught early, most auto air conditioning problems are fairly easy and inexpensive to fix.
Stay cool!
What is Paintless Dent Repair?
Many times, you are simply in disbelief that your vehicle is sporting another dent or ding. It just doesn't take much to mar the beautiful car's surface. Anything from an errant rock to an out-of-control shopping buggy can all pose a significant hazard to your car's exterior. One of the best ways to repair these types of dents is with Paintless Dent Repair. However, there are certain requirements for the types of damage this process will be most effective on.
What Types of Damage Can Be Fixed with PDR?
The most common types of damage that are easily repaired with PDR are those that are in a door panel or fender. The dents do not have creasing or painted removed. They also cannot entail the trim area and need to be a certain distance away from the edge of the part.
What Is the PDR Process?
This process sounds rather simple; however, it takes a great deal of training and experience to get it right. The first step in the process is to gain access to the area behind the damage. This involves removing the inside door panel or perhaps removing a tire for access to a wheel well. Then, with the use of several specialized tools, the metal is massaged from behind. Once complete, there is no sign of the repair. It's also much less expensive than a traditional repair in a typical body shop. The entire time to do the repair only takes about one to two hours. If you've ever had your vehicle in a body shop, you know that it can days for your car to get fixed. This not only is inconvenient, you could not have access to your vehicle for days.
Let the Company Come to You
Almost all of the companies that offer this type of service offer mobile service as well. They will come to your location, such as your work or home and take care of the car. It's a very convenient way to get your car looking fantastic again. This is also a great idea for a leased or rented vehicle, too.
In Closing
The key to this process is choosing someone who has the training and experience to effect the repair properly. If not, you could end up with more damage than before and it could be very expensive to fix! For the best results, only use a PDR company that is well established, insured, and bonded.