Let’s face it - we still live in a paper oriented world. Which means for most of us that somewhere in our house sits one of those ugly file cabinets or a big box where we throw everything during the year, and at tax time it's a nightmare to sort through. It becomes a necessity to spend the $10 to get some file folders to separate subjects.
Keeping records of automotive repair and maintenance is a chore few of us relish, but keeping organized files can save us time and grief down the road. Think of these records as your car's medical records; it's important to be able to present these to your auto technician, so we know how to diagnose and "treat" your vehicle! Whether they're oil change records or transmission repair receipts, it's a good idea to keep all these records together. Things like having a record of the last timing belt replacement can save you unnecessary maintenance costs, but they can also save you from breakdowns due to overdue maintenance.

Let us us not forget the obvious little helpers that are right in front of us. The little sticker Cars For Keeps puts on your windshield telling you when your car is due for its next oil change and, at your request, a paper printout listing needed and recommended repairs with a cost estimate.