Oil Change - 5 Tips That Let You Know You Need New Lubricant

Whether you just bought your vehicle or it's over a decade old, you need to make sure you get an oil change on a consistent basis. Explore a few common signs that it's time to switch out the old lube for something newer.
Change in Color
Initially, when getting an oil change, the lubricant is a nice, clean honey color. However, as each day goes by and your car continually uses the same lube, it can get really dirty and turn dark, sometimes black. If you have the lubricant checked and notice it is really filthy, your vehicle has probably been in desperate need of new lubricant. To help be on the safe side and to protect your engine, you should bring your car into a shop so the experts there can replace the lubricant with a fresh batch.
Unfamiliar Sounds
When operating your vehicle, you often know what's normal and what isn't. So if all of a sudden, you begin to notice that your car is not sounding the way it should, you should bring it in to a pro. That's because there are various reasons why your car is making noise. One possible issue could be the fact that you need an oil change. If you have dirty lubricant, the parts of your engine won't function properly. You could have a leak that is getting into the entire system, which can cause malfunctions or strange noises. So don't take chances - if you hear something that seems out of order when it comes to your car, get it checked out and make sure filthy lubricant isn't the issue.
Many vehicles have sensors or warning lights that tell you when something is wrong. The check engine light is a common one that lights up. Oftentimes, people think this light means your engine is trouble. While this can be true, there is a number of other issues that could be causing it to illuminate. For instance, if you're leaking brake fluid, this can cause the light to come on. Dirty lubricant is also the reason why some vehicles' check engine sensor can come on. In addition, you may also have a car that alerts you when you need an oil change or if it is low.
Another common way to know when it's time to switch out the lubricant in your car is the amount of time that's passed. If it's been six months and you haven't had an oil change, now would be a good time to drop your car off. Although all cars are different, you need new lubricant on a regular basis. In the past, every 3000 miles was a common gauge. Yet, with so many variations in vehicles, this just isn't applicable to all cars. The best bet is to read your owner's manual or chat with the car dealer for a ball park figure regarding an oil change.
Low Oil Level
For some people, simply having lubricant in their car seems to be enough. However, there may not be enough in there. If that's the case, you most likely will have a sensor light that comes on. Also, if your car seems to be overworked or you're burning a lot more gas, this could also be due to the fact that you don't have enough lubricant.