How Do I Know If My Brake System Requires Repair or Service?

The brake system on your car is vital to your safety, this type of repair or service is not something you can just put it off until a later date. Knowing the right warning signs and where to go to when you need brake service or repair can save you considerable amount of time and money. If you have a relatively new or late model vehicle, you maybe informed about your brake pad's thickness every time you bring it in for regular service through your local dealership. Although this information is helpful, but it doesn't offer you the whole picture when it comes to the brake system's condition. Today's brake pads will typically last about 40,000 km of driving, but many dealership service advisors will ask you to replace them at much earlier intervals. The reasons behind this practice are quite simple, since brake pads, shoes, and rotors are safety related items; it is hard to argue when it comes to repairs and service. Another reason is the brake system is simple to repair or service, but it pays the technician at least 2 hours of labor. This type of service or repair is the biggest "money maker" for the dealership, that's why it is recommended every time you visit. Think about this scenario from the service technician's point of view. You may have to spend the entire day diagnosing an electrical problem that only pays you 1 hour of labor, or you can change all the brake pads and machine the rotors in 1 hour while it pays you 2, which job would you prefer?

The next time your dealership recommends you to replace brake pads or machine your brake rotors, simply decline and pass on this job to your local trusted small repair shop. The cost difference can be from as little as 0 for the job to as much as 00, while there is virtually no difference in vehicle's performance. Unknown to many drivers today, there are plenty of warning signs before your brake system fails, here are the top 3 tell tale signs you can look for the next time you drive your car.

How To Replace Brake Pads

1. Does your brake system squeak? - Sound is one of the best indicators for potential brake problems, modern day brake pads are built with warning system in place. When your brake pads are getting low, there will be squeaking, scratching or metal to metal noises when you apply the brake pedal. This sound will get louder as your brake pads are getting lower in thickness, if you are not sure this is happening to your car, simple drive through a tunnel with your windows open and apply your brake pedal. The sound generated from the brake system will echo and amplified by walls from both sides of your vehicle.

How Do I Know If My Brake System Requires Repair or Service?

2. Does your brake pedal vibrate or shake when applied? - Vibration is another early warning sign for potential brake system failure, since the brake rotors will heat up and cool down many times a day. It can be warped and create uneven braking surface for the brake pads, this will result in vibration when braking. This symptom can be resolved by replacing or machine your rotors to ensure the braking surface are as flat as possible.

3. Are you losing brake fluid or pressure? - When applying your brake pedal, how far does the pedal travel? If your brake pedal is almost to the floor of the vehicle, you maybe leaking brake fluid or pressure from the system. This type of failure is particularly dangerous since your brake system requires considerable amount of pressure for safe operation. If you suspect there maybe a problem, don't delay! Get your brake system checked out right away.

So the next time you visit your local dealership, don't be fooled into spending unnecessary repairs on your brake system, get a second opinion if you don't experience any of the above symptoms.

How Do I Know If My Brake System Requires Repair or Service?
How to Inspect and Replace Car Brake Rotors : What is Rotor Failure? How to Inspect Car Brake Rotors Tube. Duration : 2.72 Mins.

Learn about rotor failure and how to inspect car brake rotors - free video clip. Expert: Nathan McCoullough Bio: Nathan McCullough graduated from Nashville Auto-Diesel College with a Grade Point Average of 3.5 and received their craftsmanship award and honor seal. Filmmaker: Robert Rogers

Tags: car, brake, rotors, auto-repair, automotive, inspection, replace, free, video