Car Personification: True Love

Avoiding Auto Repair Scams: How to Show Mechanics You're Smart Too

by Rob Hopp, Cars for Keeps Owner
Tire Rotation: Switching it Up for Longer Lasting Tires

We've all heard that having your tires rotated regularly is important. But why? And what exactly does a tire rotation entail?
A Women's Point of View: Car Maintenance in a Perfect World

Wheel Alignment: the Dangers of Driving Crooked

by Marjorie, Social Media Manger for Cars for Keeps
Automatic Transmission Failure: How to Check Fluid and Prevent Costly Breakdowns

No two words strike fear into the hearts of those of us who are not mechanically inclined like the words: transmission failure.
Checking my engine oil may be the extent of my automotive expertise, but I've learned that having a faulty automatic transmission can mean almost certain death for a vehicle. For most cars, particularly those that are getting on in life, the cost of replacing an automatic transmission exceeds the value of the entire vehicle - rather like totaling your car.
Fortunately, transmission failure does not happen randomly; indeed, catching the early signs of transmission trouble is easy if you know what to look for. Here are a few things you can do to make sure your automatic transmission doesn't cause premature car death.
1) Own cars with manual transmissions. Ok, so this isn't exactly a solution to maintaining an automatic transmission, but car owners should be aware of the differences between manual (standard) and automatic transmissions. Manual transmissions (or "stick shifts") are more energy efficient than automatics, but more importantly, they have far fewer moving parts - which means way less maintenance and risk of part failure. Sure, you can talk on your cell phone, keep the kids in the backseat from fighting and drink your coffee simultaneously while driving an automatic, but a manual transmission will never conk out like an automatic.
2) Check automatic transmission fluid (ATF) regularly. This is really not hard - no harder than checking your oil levels. If you're unsure exactly which dipstick is for the ATF or what to look for once you find it, watch this short video on how to check your car's ATF. If you're still unsure, there's a great little auto repair shop on Fulton Street where the mechanics would be happy to show you.
A Woman’s Point of View: Sometimes Heroes Come in Greasey Shirts

Preventative Maintenance: Listening to Your Car

Mike the Librarian.
My buddy Mike gave me a ride home from the range last week. Being the car geek I am, I immediately asked him how long the back tires had been making that growling sound.
He said “What sound?” and once again proved that people often don’t hear or feel the gradual changes their vehicles go through. Until the noise was gone, he thought it was normal.
That’s another reason it’s so important to have a trusted, knowledgeable person give you an independent perspective of your cars safety and reliability.
I recommend a basic inspection at least every three months. Note that I didn’t recommend oil change that often, it's just that since we change our oil so much less often in modern vehicles, it is too easy to ignore an issue that could have a simple remedy if caught early enough, so, every change of season presents a vehicle with temperature and moisture changes that affect multiple parts of your mobility. At Cars for Keeps, we call this inspection our AAA Readiness Inspection. If we normally do your oil changes, we do it for you for free. This usually works out to be an oil change every other readiness inspection.
Our high tech road machines (Cars) adjust themselves with such precision, that most people don’t know any fault is happening until the computers cant compensate any further & the system “folds” in sometimes simple and sometimes dramatic ways.
Even if you choose the convenience (perceived convenience IMHO) of the drive through oil change place, having a qualified mechanic inspect it regularly is a key aspect of the long term reliability of your mobility machine.
More about Mike's Great Escape next time.
Top 4 Reasons to Change the Oil in Your Car (Featuring Red Green)

by Marjorie, Cars for Keeps Social Media Marketing Consultant
Quirky Clunkers Contest: Win a Free Oil Change & Full Diagnostic!
Contest Details:
Prize: Free oil change & full diagnostic (There's also a secret prize for all contestants who enter. Find out what the prize is by entering the contest!)
Enter now!
If you could fix one thing about your vehicle, what would it be?
Thanks for stopping by, and good luck!
Top 5 Ways to Prematurely Kill Your Car

by Marjorie, Social Media Marketing Manager for Cars for Keeps
The Art of Loving Your Car

This weekend my wife and I both decided to wash our cars. Not just a little soap and water and call it a day, but to really pamper them. We started with a soapy water wash then dried with sheepskin towels. Cleaned the rims and shined the tires and then finished with a wax job. Both of our arms felt like rubber and that they may fall off!
However we were not done yet! The carpets needed to be vacuumed; the dash wiped down, the seats wiped off and all of the glass inside and out needed cleaning.
After we had gotten elbow-deep in cleaning, I started to wonder why we did this to ourselves? Because we really do love our cars! They take us places we need to be, and sometimes they take us places we've never been. Our car, next to our family, friends, pets, and co-workers, is a major part in our life and yours too. It’s been there through the hard times and the good times. Through snow, rain, super hot days at the beach or a fantastic day at the vineyard. It may have given us a few problems and needed to be brought in on a tow hook once (or more!) but we still love it.
The point is that if you truly, deep down in your heart, love your car, you will want to take care of it. We at Cars for Keeps really do love cars. We are actually car nuts, and if you want to talk with someone who will appreciate all the things you love about your car, we are here for you. We not only love our own cars, but yours too.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a practical Volvo, a rusty Ford Pickup, a shiny new BMW or a problem ridden Maserati. We want you to know that we love your car and want to keep it in top condition throughout its entire life expectancy (or longer!). We want you to experience what you car can be, and that’s a lifetime of service from ANY automobile. With a combination of maintenance and problem prevention, we've been able to help many of our clients extend the lives of their vehicles to 300,000 miles or more - at 300,000 miles of smooth running, who wouldn't love your car? We love cars for keeps, and we fix cars for keeps.
Until next time, Robert.
A Woman’s Point of View: The Mechanic and What Makes Him Tick

As an observer of human nature (as most women are), we notice personality types all the time. Consciously or unconsciously, we gather visual data about people so we know if we are in our safety/comfort zone with any person at any given time.